Leucanthemum vulgare

Scientific name: Leucanthemum vulgare Lam.
Common name: Ox-eye daisy, Dog daisy

Habit: Perennial, 25-70 cm high.
Stems: Erect and hairless or sparsely hairy.
Leaves: Alternate and pinnatifid to almost untoothed; lower leaves oval and stalked, upper leaves oblong lanceolate and stalkless.
Flowers: Flower-heads 50 mm across and solitary; involucral bracts with a brown membranous margin; outer florets white and radiating, inner florets tubular and yellow.
Fruits: An achenes, ribbed, pappus absent.

Habitat: Meadows, pastures, roadsides, walls and limestone pavement.
Distribution: Common.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No