Lithospermum officinale

Scientific name: Lithospermum officinale L.
Common name: Common Gromwell

Habit: An erect, hairy, perennial to 65 cm high.
Stems: Several, branched, leafy stems; with rhizomes.
Leaves: Alternate, without stipules, stalkless, 6-8 cm long, lanceolate, with dense flattened hairs on upper surface and two distinct lateral veins.
Flowers: Whitish yellow, actinomorphic, solitary in leaf-axils; calyx of 5 sepals, divided almost to the base into long narrow teeth; corolla fused to a narrow tube, with 5 spreading lobes, 6-7mm across; stamens equal, included; style solitary, included within the corolla tube; ovary superior.
Fruits: A cluster of 4 1-seeded nutlets, smooth, white and shining.

Habitat: Roadsides, waste places and river gravels.
Distribution: Rather rare, nearly always on limestone areas.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: Yes