Lythrum portula

Scientific name: Lythrum portula (L.) D.A. Webb
Common name: Water-purslane

Habit: Annual, to 25 cm high.
Stems: Creeping, hairless, forming small tufts.
Leaves: Undivided, opposite, stalked, without stipules, 10-15 mm long, untoothed, oval.
Flowers: Inconspicuous, actinomorphic, stalkless, axillary; calyx with 12 teeth, teeth of two types, broad and linear; petals 6, small, purple, sometimes absent; stamens 6, attached inside of the calyx tube; ovary superior, style single.
Fruits: A capsule.

Habitat: Wet places.Distribution: Very rare on limestone, occasional elsewhere.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No