Monotropa hypopitys

Scientific name: Monotropa hypopitys L.
Common name: Yellow Bird's-nest

Habit: A saprophytic perennial, to 30 cm high.
Stems: Erect when in fruit, pendent at tip when in flower, without chlorophyll, pale yellow to cream colour; borne from a dense, rounded, underground organ.
Leaves: Scale-like, numerous, fleshy, without chlorophyll, pale yellow to cream colour, 5-10 mm long.
Flowers: Dull yellow, in a terminal raceme, drooping; sepals 4-5, erect, united at the base; petals free 4-5, free 8-10 mm long; stamens 8-10.
Fruits: A capsule, seeds minute with a loose coat forming 2 membranous wings.

Habitat: Woods and scrub on basic soils.
Distribution: Very rare.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: Yes