Mycelis muralis

Scientific name: Mycelis muralis (L.)Dumort.
Common name: Wall Lettuce

Habit: Usually biennial, 40-80 cm high.
Stems: Slender, hairless; the stem and leaves often dark purple.
Leaves: Alternate, pinnatifid with the terminal lobe the largest; lobes angular; upper leaves clasping the stem.
Flowers: Yellow, flower-heads numerous, 12 mm across and in a loose panicle; involucre of 5 slender, equal bracts, and some very small outer ones; florets all ligulate, usually 5 per flower-head.
Fruits: A black, flattened, achene, with a short beak; pappus of white, delicate, unbranched hairs.

Habitat: Limestone pavement.
Distribution: Very frequent on the Burren, very rare elsewhere.

Native status: Not native
Of conservation interest: No