Myosotis secunda

Scientific name: Myosotis secunda Al. Murray
Common name: Creeping Forget-me-not

Habit: Perennial, to 40 cm high; lower part of plant with dense stiff hairs.
Stems: Erect and with creeping with rooting runners.
Leaves: Narrowly oblong to lanceolate; basal leaves tapered to petiole-like base, the upper leaves stalkless.
Flowers: Blue, actinomorphic, 3-6 mm across, in terminal, spiralled cymes; calyx lobed about halfway or more to the base, with 5 narrowly lanceolate lobes, with non-spreading hairs; corolla with 5 spreading lobes; style much shorter than calyx, ovary superior.
Fruits: A group of 4, finely granulate, very small 1-seeded nutlets.

Habitat: Ditches, marches and streamsides.
Distribution: Frequent but local in acid habitats, very rare elsewhere.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No