Narthecium ossifragum

Scientific name: Narthecium ossifragum (L.) Huds.
Common name: Bog Asphodel

Habit: Herb with a slender, not bulbous rootstock, stems to 45cm.
Leaves: Mostly basal, erect and arranged in two rows, grass-like, pointed, curved and flattened, hairless, up to 25cm long.
Flowers: Flowering stem 15-30cm high, with a few small, scale-like leaves, bearing a compact, terminal raceme with 6-20 erect, regular, bright yellow flowers, 12mm across; perianth segments 6, free; ovary superior, style 1, capsule splitting along centre of ovary-cells; stamens 6, anthers two times as long as wide, dehiscing outwards, filaments densely pubescent.
Fruits: Orange-red capsule with numerous elongated seeds; seeds with long fine projections at each end, c. 12mm.

Habitat: Bogs.
Distribution: Very frequent.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No