Neotinea maculata

Scientific name: Neotinea maculata (Desfontaines) Stearn
Common name: Dense-flowered orchid

Habit: Plant with 2 ovoid underground tubers. Stem 12-25cm high.
Leaves: 2-3(-4) leaves present near base of stem, with reduced leaves up stem, oblong-elliptic, sometimes purple-spotted but usually not, the lowest 2-6cm long.
Flowers: In a dense, narrow, cylindrical spike; flowers never opening very fully, 3-4mm across; perianth greenish-white, sometimes pink-tinged; sepals and upper petals forming a hood; labellum with 2 large lateral lobes and a larger terminal lobe usually shallowly subdivided at apex or with a small tooth between the divisions; spur short, rounded at apex; ovary stalkless, twisted.

Habitat: Sand dunes, pastures and meadows, eskers, pavement and quarries and woodlands.
Distribution: Occasional in parts of the West and Centre, unknown elsewhere.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No

Variation: Plants can have marked or unmarked flowers and leaves. The marked forms are a slight pinky colour.