Ononis repens

Scientific name: Ononis repens L.
Common name: Common Restharrow

Habit: A hairy perennial, to 60 cm high.
Stems: Semi-erect, woody at the base, branched, sometimes spiny; young shoots hairy and sticky; with rhizomes.
Leaves: Alternate, pinnate, usually with 3 leaflets, leaflets oval, toothed, 12-15 mm long; upper leaves sometimes undivided.
Flowers: Pink, zygomorphic, hermaphrodite, 12-20 mm across, solitary in leaf axils; calyx of 5 sepals fused into a tube; petals 5, 2 forming free wings, 2 are fused to a form lower keel and 1 conceals the stamens and carpel; stamens 10, fused to form a tube; carpel 1, style 1.
Fruits: A legume pod, 5-8 mm, 1-2-seeded.

Habitat: Wasteland, rough grassland on low clay, sea cliffs, rocky seashores.
Distribution: Occasional to rare.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No