Ophrys apifera

Scientific name: Ophrys apifera Huds.
Common name: Bee Orchid

Habit: Plant with 2 ovoid underground tubers. Stem leafy, up to 45(-50)cm high.
Leaves: Several, decreasing in size up stem.
Flowers: Flowers in a lax spike, 4-12 large flowers present, about 20-25mm across; sepals pink or greenish-pink, sometimes very pale; petals greenish-pink, oblong, less than half as long as sepals; labellum convex, velvety-brown with yellow markings, not deeply lobed, broader than sepals and almost as long; without a spur.

Habitat: Sand dunes, pastures and meadows, eskers, pavement and quarries.
Distribution: Locally common.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No