Pentaglottis sempervirens

Scientific name: Pentaglottis sempervirens (L.) Tausch ex L.H. Bailey
Common name: Green Alkanet

Habit: A hispid, erect annual, with deep thick roots, to 1 m high.
Stems: Branched, covered with stiff hairs.
Leaves: Oval to oval-lanceolate, abruptly contracted at the base; upper ones almost stalkless, lower ones stalked and up to 30 cm long.
Flowers: Blue, in short crowded cymes; calyx 5-lobed, divided almost halfway to the base, triangular, almost as long as the corolla tube; corolla actinomorphic, 1 cm across with 5 spreading lobes; stamens equal, included; style simple, included; ovary superior.
Fruits: A group of 4 1-seeded nutlets, nutlets ridged, rough, with a collar-like, stalked base.

Habitat: Roadsides, waste round.
Distribution: Very rare.

Native status: Not native
Of conservation interest: No