Pimpinella saxifraga

Scientific name: Pimpinella saxifraga L.
Common name: Burnet-Saxifrage

Habit: An erect, hairless or minutely downy perennial, to 50 cm high.
Stems: Slender, solid, nearly smooth.
Leaves: Leaves mostly basal, 1-2-pinnate with 4-7 pairs of toothed or pinnatifid, stalkless leaflets 1.5-2 cm long; upper stem leaves usually finely dissected into numerous narrow segments.
Flowers: White in terminal umbels; bracts and bracteoles absent; petals 5, free; stamens 5; ovary inferior and 2-celled.
Fruits: A schizocarp, 2-3 mm, broadly ovoid, slightly ridged.

Habitat: Dry calcareous grasslands.
Distribution: Frequent in eastern Burren, rare elsewhere.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No