Polygala serpyllifolia

Scientific name: Polygala serpyllifolia Hosé
Common name: Heath Milkwort

Habit: A hairless perennial, to 25 cm high.
Stems: Semi-erect or straggling, slightly woody at the base.
Leaves: Stalkless, less than 35 mm long, undivided, elliptical; upper leaves alternate or opposite, lower leaves opposite.
Flowers: Blue, zygomorphic, 4-7 mm long, up to 12 in racemes; sepals 5, inner 2 larger and petal-like, outer 3 small and green; petals 3, united to form a 3-lobed tube, the middle lobe fringed at the tip; stamens 8; ovary superior.
Fruits: A small, flat capsule, enclosed by persistent sepals, with 2 seeds.

Habitat: Bogs and heathy grassland.Distribution: Very rare on limestone, abundant elsewhere.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No