Potentilla anglica

Scientific name: Potentilla anglica Laichard.
Common name: Trailing Tormentil

Habit: A suberect perennial.
Stems: Trailing, rooting at nodes, to 80 cm long.
Leaves: Both in a basal rosette and stem leaves; stem leaves alternate, divided with 3-5 leaflets, with leafy stipules which are entire or shallowly 3-lobed; lower stem-leaves with a 1-2 cm stalk, upper leaves with shorter stalk.
Flowers: Yellow, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, 12-18 mm across, solitary in leaf axils; calyx of 4-5 sepals, fused, calyx-tube short; petals 4-5, free; stamens numerous; carpels numerous, over 20, ovary superior; with hypanthium flat- or saucer-shaped.
Fruits: A head of achenes on a non-swollen convex receptacle.

Habitat: Roadsides, banks, rough grazing, riversides.Distribution: Frequent on acid soils, rare on limestone.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No