Potentilla sterilis

Scientific name: Potentilla sterilis (L.) Garcke
Common name: Barren Strawberry

Habit: Perennial.
Stems: Trailing and creeping stolons, not rooting at nodes, flowering stems semi-erect to 15 cm long.
Leaves: Alternate, stalked, with leafy stipules, compound with 3 leaflets; leaflets oval, toothed and soft hairy; apical tooth of leaflets much smaller than the neighbouring teeth.
Flowers: White, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, 1-1.2 cm across, solitary or in cymes of 1-3 flowers on axillary flowering stems; calyx of 5 sepals, fused, calyx-tube short; petals 5, free, widely spaced; stamens numerous; carpels numerous, ovary superior; with hypanthium flat- or saucer-shaped.
Fruits: A head of achenes on a non-swollen convex receptacle.

Habitat: Hedges, banks, wood-margins, scrub, rough grazing, rocks.Distribution: Very frequent in the Burren, occasional to frequent elsewhere.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No