Primula veris

Scientific name: Primula veris L.
Common name: Cowslip

Habit: A hairy perennial, to 30 cm high.
Leaves: In a basal rosette, without stipules, wrinkled, oval-oblong and abruptly contracted to the petiole at the base, petiole winged.
Flowers: Deep yellow, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, 8-15 mm across, in drooping clusters, terminal on a hairy stalk; flowers in a population either with a long style and short stamens or with short style and long stamens; sepals 5, fused and 5-lobed, the tube slightly inflated; petals 5, fused, tube rather long with 5 small lobes, deep yellow with an orange ‘eye’; stamens 5, attached to the corolla, opposite the corolla lobes; ovary superior, 1-celled, with many ovules.
Fruits: A capsule, opening by 5 teeth at the top.

Habitat: Pastures, meadows and roadsides.Distribution: Frequent on limestone, rare elsewhere.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: Yes