Prunella vulgaris

Scientific name: Prunella vulgaris L.
Common name: Self-heal

Habit: A slightly hairy perennial, to 20 cm high.
Stems: Erect to trailing, square.
Leaves: Opposite, 2-3 cm long, undivided, oval to oblong, shallowly toothed or untoothed; lower leaves stalked, upper leaves stalkless.
Flowers: Purple, zygomorphic, 12 mm long in a axillary whorl-like cluster, forming a compact and cylindrical terminal spike; calyx tubular, of 5 fused sepals, 2-lobed, upper lip entire, lower deeply 2-lobed, red and conspicuous; corolla tubular, of 5 fused petals, 2-lipped, upper lip slightly hooded, lower lip 3-lobed and the middle lobe the largest; stamens 4, attached to the corolla, usually in two pairs, one longer than the other; ovary superior.
Fruits: A group of 4 1-seeded nutlets.

Habitat: Roadsides, pastures, heaths, wood-margins.Distribution: Frequent to abundant throughout.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No