Prunus domestica

Scientific name: Prunus domestica L.
Common name: Wild Plum

Habit: A woody, deciduous, shrub or tree, to 8 m high.
Leaves: Alternate, 3-8 cm, stalked, with small stipules, undivided, toothed, oval, finely toothed, hairy.
Flowers: White, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, appearing with the leaves, 2-3 in clusters; calyx of 5-toothed, basin-shaped, not persisting in fruit; petals 5, free; stamens numerous; carpel 1; with hypanthium.
Fruits: A drupe, varied, drooping.
Twigs: Brown, hairy and slightly spiny.
Bark: Greyish brown, smooth or fissured.

Habitat: Hedges and scrub.Distribution: Rare.

Native status: Not native; naturalised
Of conservation interest: No

The subspecies that occurs in his region is Prunus domestica subsp. insititia (L.) Schneider.