Prunus laurocerasus

Scientific name: Prunus laurocerasus L.
Common name: Cherry Laurel

Habit: A woody, evergreen tree or shrub, to 10 m high, spreading.
Leaves: Alternate, stalked, with small stipules, 5-15 cm, undivided, almost untoothed, oblong, dark green and shiny.
Flowers: White, 8 mm across, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, in numerous in erect racemes; calyx of 5-toothed, basin-shaped, not persisting in fruit; petals 5, free; stamens numerous; carpel 1; with hypanthium.
Fruits: A drupe, small, about 1 cm, black.
Twigs: Green.
Bark: Grey, furrowed.

Habitat: Woods, plantations and on one lake-island.Distribution: Very local.

Native status: Not native; naturalised
Of conservation interest: No