Pseudorchis albida

Scientific name: Pseudorchis albida (L.) A. Love & D. Love
Common name: Small White orchid

Habit: Plant with cluster of underground tubers; stem 10-30cm high, rather stiff.
Leaves: 3-4 oblong leaves present near base; several leaves present along stem, the 2-3 uppermost bract-like; oblong-oblanceolate; the lowest 2.5-8cm long.
Flowers: In a moderately dense, slightly 1-sided, cylindrical spike; slightly fragrant, white, 3-4mm across; sepals and petals forming a loose hood; labellum quite deeply and almost equally 3-lobed, entire; spur short, obtuse at apex; ovary stalkless, slightly twisted.

Habitat: Sand dunes, acid heaths and mountains.
Distribution: Very local with a small number of sites in the South, more common in the North of the island.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: Yes