Ranunculus auricomus

Scientific name: Ranunculus auricomus L.
Common name: Goldilocks

Habit: Perennial, to 25 cm high.
Stems: Erect.
Leaves: Spirally appearing alternately arranged; lower leaves with long stalks, variably 3-lobed, lobes usually rounded or obovate; upper leaves deeply divided into narrow, untoothed segments.
Flowers: Actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, solitary, 15-25 mm across; sepals 5, petal-like, free; petals 5, yellow, with nectaries, variably developed, sometimes absent; stamens numerous, indefinite and free; ovary superior.
Fruits: A cluster of achenes, 3-4 mm, short-hairy, smooth, with curved or hooked beak.

Habitat: In hazel-shrub or mixed woodlands.Distribution: Rare.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No