Ribes uva-crispa

Scientific name: Ribes uva-crispa L.
Common name: Gooseberry

Habit: A woody, spiny, deciduous shrub, to 1.5 m high.
Stems: Erect, freely branched, stems armed at their nodes with slender and clusters of sharp spines.
Leaves: Alternate, 2-4 cm across, palmately lobed with 5 deeply toothed lobes.
Flowers: White, in axillary clusters of 2-3; sepals 5; petals 5, much shorter than sepals; stamens 5; ovary 1-celled, inferior.
Fruits: A greenish-yellow or sometimes reddish, berry, 1-2 cm.

Habitat: Hedges, near houses or in woods.Distribution: Rare.

Native status: Not native; naturalised
Of conservation interest: No