Rubia peregrina

Scientific name: Rubia peregrina L.
Common name: Wild Madder

Habit: A hairless perennial.
Stems: Trailing to scrambling, 4-angled, with strong downward curved and hooked prickles, to 1 m long.
Leaves: Opposite, with several leafy and large stipules per leaf making it appear that leaves are in whorls of 4-6; 3-6 cm long, unstalked, untoothed, undivided, oval to lanceolate, evergreen, with strong downward curved and hooked prickles on margins.
Flowers: Pale yellowish green, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, in compound and loose terminal cymes; sepals absent or minute; petals 5, fused into tube below, with 5 pointed and spreading lobes; stamens 5, attached to the top of corolla tube; ovary inferior, 2-celled.
Fruits: 1-seeded, black, berry-like.

Habitat: Rocky and bushy habitats.Distribution: Occasionally frequent.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No