Ruppia maritima

Scientific name: Ruppia maritima L.
Common name: Beaked Tasselweed

Habit: Aquatic submerged perennials with leafy slender stems.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, or the involucral subopposite, minutely denticulate at the apex, otherwise entire, less than 1mm wide; sheaths of involucral leaves only slightly inflated.
Flowers: Peduncles up to 6cm; flowers arranged one above the other on opposite sides of the rhachis; carpels 4, with a sessile, peltate stigma; anthers less than 1mm, elliptical, stamens with a small dorsal appendage at the base.
Fruits: Drupelets 2-2.8(-3)mm (excluding stalk), obliquely ovoid, often curved.

Habitat: Tidal mudflats and brackish pools and ditches.
Distribution: Frequent in the South-west; rather rare elsewhere.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No