Salicornia europaea

Scientific name: Salicornia europaea L.
Common name: Common Glasswort

Habit: A hairless annual, up to 35 cm, usually yellowish-green, some parts pink or red.
Stems: Erect or semi-erect, straight, freely branched, fleshy, jointed, knobbly, concealed by leaves; apical edge of fertile segments with a membranous border less than 0.1 mm wide.
Leaves: Apparently leafless but fleshy opposite leaves are pressed tight to the stem, partly fused together, concealing the stem.
Flowers: Terminal spikes up to 5 cm long; flowers green, in groups of 1-3, the central one much larger, making the group appear triangular; fertile segments with convex sides; stamens 1, anthers 0.2-0.5 mm; ovary superior, 1-celled.
Fruits: An achene, 1-1.7 mm.

Habitat: Salt-marshes.
Distribution: Fairly frequent but local.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No