Saxifraga rosacea

Scientific name: Saxifraga rosacea Moench
Common name: Irish Saxifrage

Habit: Perennial, very variable in habit, forming a cushion- or mat-forming perennial, to 20 cm high.
Stems: Flowering stems erect; with stolons.
Leaves: Basal leaf rosettes and alternate stem-leaves; palmately divided into 3-7 lobes, pointed but without a hair-like tip, hairless to densely woolly; flowering stems often with undivided leaves.
Flowers: White, actinomorphic, 2-5 in loose terminal cymes, buds erect; sepals 5, free, erect; petals 5, free, 6-8 mm long; stamens twice as many as sepals; ovary semi-inferior partly sunk in hypanthium, 2-celled, carpels 2.
Fruits: A capsule.

Habitat: Limestone pavement, mountain cliffs.Distribution: Locally abundant on limestone pavement, very rare on mountain cliffs.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: Yes