Sedum rosea

Scientific name: Sedum rosea (L.) Scop.
Common name: Roseroot

Habit: A hairless perennial, to 35 cm high.
Stems: Erect, with a stout woody rhizome.
Leaves: Alternate, stalkless, 1-4 cm long, flat, oblong, bluntly toothed, pale-bluish green, fleshy, scented when bruised.
Flowers: Greenish-yellow, actinomorphic, 5 mm across, in compact, terminal cymes; sepals 4, united at the base; petals 4, free; stamens 8; carpels 4.
Fruits: A collection of small follicles.

Habitat: Mountain and sea cliffs.
Distribution: Very local.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No