Senecio sylvaticus

Scientific name: Senecio sylvaticus L.

Habit: Annual, 25-70 cm high.
Stems: Hairless or slightly woolly, somewhat sticky.
Leaves: Narrow, lower irregularly and deeply pinnatifid; lobes jagged and toothed; lower leaves with a petiole, the upper ones sessile.
Flowers: Yellow, flower-heads with some glandular hairs; flower-heads cylindrical, clearly stalked in a somewhat corymbose panicle; involucral bracts green or sometimes brownish-purple at tip, the outer ones very small or absent, usually not dark-tipped; outer florets ligulate, but short and rolled back and inconspicuous; inner florets tubular.
Fruits: An achene, pappus of unbranched hairs.

Habitat: Heathy ground, among rocks, on boulder-clay cliffs.
Distribution: Rare.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No