Sorbus rupicola

Scientific name: Sorbus rupicola (Syme) Hedl.

Habit: A small deciduous tree or shrub, to 6 m high.
Leaves: Alternate, stalked, with leafy stipules, densely white-hairy on lowerside, narrowing evenly towards the base, undivided or pinnate, narrowly obovate, toothed only in the top 2/3 of the margin.
Flowers: White, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, in compound corymbs; calyx of 5 sepals; petals 5, free; stamens 15-25; carpels 2-4, embedded in the calyx-tube and more or less fused to it; with hypanthium.
Fruits: A berry-like fruit, red, rounded or wider than long, 12-15 mm, with numerous lenticels.
Twigs: Brown.
Bark: Grey-brown.

Habitat: Rocky lake-islands.Distribution: Very rare.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: Yes