Spergularia rupicola

Scientific name: Spergularia rupicola Lebel ex Le Jol.
Common name: Rock Sea-spurrey

Habit: Perennial, to 35 cm high.
Stems: Glandular hairy throughout, with a woody base.
Leaves: Opposite, 5-15 mm, simple, fleshy, linear, with membranous stipules.
Flowers: Uniformly lilac-pink, actinomorphic, in terminal cymes; sepals 5; petals 5, about as long as the sepals; styles 3; stamens 8-10; ovary superior.
Fruits: A capsule, 4.5-7 mm, seeds wingless.

Habitat: Maritime cliffs and rock-crevices, more rarely in salt-marshes.
Distribution: Very local.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No