Spiranthes spiralis

Scientific name: Spiranthes spiralis (L.) Chevall
Common name: Autumn Lady's-tresses

Habit: With tuberous roots. Stems slender, 7-15(-20)cm high, greyish-green, hairy.
Leaves: 3-7 leaves present, in a basal rosette just next to the inflorescence, oval to elliptic, dull blue-green in colour.
Flowers: Flowers in a twisted spike, arranged in 1 or more spiral rows, white with green markings, scented; labellum more or less unlobed, with slightly to markedly frilly distal edge, more or less appressed to other tepals to form a tubular or trumpet-shaped perianth; pollinia not stalked; ovary erect, sessile.

Habitat: Sand dunes, pastures, meadows and eskers, pavement and quarries.
Distribution: Locally frequent in the South half, but declining, very rare in the North.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No