Triglochin maritima

Scientific name: Triglochin maritima L.
Common name: Sea Arrowgrass

Habit: Perennial or annual marsh plants with rhizomes, erect, flowering stems up to 60cm (-70cm).
Leaves: Entire, sessile, usually flat on upperside near base, in a rosette or a few alternate leaves near stem base, linear, 8-40cm x 4mm, deeply furrowed on one side, rounded on the other; with sheathing base with ligule at top on adaxial side.
Flowers: Flowering stem 15-50cm high, the upper half occupied by the dense spike; perianth segments 6; flowers 3-4mm across, greenish, regular, hermaphrodite, in a long slender spike; carpels 3 or 6, united at first but separating in fruit; stamens 6 or 3 by abortion, with very short filaments.
Fruits: Fruits 3-4mm, ovoid-oblong, usually diverging slightly from the stem; seeds with or without endosperm.

Habitat: Salt-marshes and muddy shores by the coast.
Distribution: Very frequent.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No