Urtica urens

Scientific name: Urtica urens L.
Common name: Small Nettle

Habit: A slightly hairy annual, to 60 cm high.
Stems: Erect, covered with stinging hairs.
Leaves: Opposite, with stipules, undivided, deeply and sharply toothed, covered with stinging hairs; leaf stalk two-thirds as long as the blade.
Flowers: Green, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, in short, unbranched, axillary spikes up to 1 cm long; calyx with 4 sepals; corolla absent; stamens 4; ovary superior.
Fruits: An achene, seed ovoid, pale, flattened.

Habitat: Cultivated ground and farmyards.Distribution: Widespread and abundant in few places but rare over most of the region.

Native status: Not native; naturalised
Of conservation interest: No