Utricularia intermedia

Scientific name: Utricularia intermedia Hayne
Common name: Intermediate Bladderwort

Habit: A rootless aquatic.
Stems: Submerged, slender, bearing small and transparent bladders which act as traps for aquatic insects; bladders with very small 4-armed hairs inside, arms equal length; bladders and leaves on separate stems, bladders often buried in mud; to 40 cm long.
Leaves: Submerged leaves finely divided into numerous toothed, linear segments, teeth with bristle-like point; 6-10 mm long.
Flowers: Yellow, zygomorphic, 12 mm long, borne above water surface in few-flowered racemes, rarely produced; calyx fused, deeply 2-lobed; corolla a 2-lipped tube, short and broad with a spur at the base, lower lip with a palate closing the mouth of the corolla tube, with upturned margins; stamens 2, attached to the corolla tube at the top.
Fruits: A many seeded capsule.

Habitat: Bog-pools, drains, lake-margins and fens.Distribution: Local.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No