Veronica scutellata

Scientific name: Veronica scutellata L.
Common name: Marsh Speedwell

Habit: Perennial, to 60 cm high.
Stems: Semi-erect to scrambling, slender.
Leaves: Opposite, without stipules, stalkless, undivided, linear-lanceolate, shallowly toothed, to 5 cm long.
Flowers: White to pale blue or lilac, nearly actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, 6 mm across, in loose axillary racemes arising alternately each side of the stem; calyx deeply 4-lobed; corolla slightly irregularly 4-lobed, with a very short tube; stamens 2, borne on corolla tube; ovary superior, 2-celled, style 1.
Fruits: A capsule, 2-lobed, not inflated, notched at the tip.

Habitat: Ditches, marshes, lake-shores, wet meadows.Distribution: Widespread but frequent only in few areas.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No