Vicia hirsuta

Scientific name: Vicia hirsuta (L.) Gray
Common name: Hairy Tare

Habit: A climbing, hairy annual.
Stems: Scrambling or climbing, weak, to 80 cm long.
Leaves: Alternate, pinnate, with 4-10 pairs of leaflets, ending in a tendril, tendrils branched; leaflets parallel-sided, blunt.
Flowers: Purplish white, zygomorphic, 4-6 mm, in groups of 2-7 in a slender peduncle; calyx of fused sepals; petals 5, 2 forming free wings, 2 are fused to form a lower keel and 1 conceals the stamens and carpel; stamens 10, 9 fused to form a tube, the 10th stamen free; carpel 1, style 1.
Fruits: A legume pod, hairy, 2-seeded, 6-11 mm.

Habitat: Cultivated fields, waste ground, grassy places.Distribution: Rare.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No