Vinca major

Scientific name: Vinca major L.
Common name: Periwinkle

Habit: A hairless, evergreen perennial, erect and creeping.
Stems: Trailing and creeping, to 1.5 m long.
Leaves: Leaves glossy, opposite, oval, undivided, 2.5-9 cm, without stipules and with short petioles; leaf margins hairy.
Flowers: Bluish purple, solitary in leaf axils, hermaphrodite; calyx of 5 fused sepals; corolla of 5 fused petals with a 12-15 mm tube and 5 spreading lobes, 3-5 cm across; stamens 5; 2 ovaries, superior, 1 style and stigma.
Fruits: A pair of follicles; rarely formed.

Habitat: On walls and hedges, near gardens.
Distribution: Rare.

Native status: Not native; naturalised
Of conservation interest: No